By now you've most likely joined Twitter (and if you do not, you soon). Twitter is not only a great place for companies and businesses, but also an ideal place to set your writing skills.

Yes, you read correctly.

Twitter can make you a better writer. Here's how.

Twitter forces you to be concise

If you have used Twitter, you know you have 140 characters to say what you mean. Now keep in mind, I did not say 140 words, or even 140 letters, I said 140 characters.

Not much space. Letters, numbers, symbols, punctuation and spaces count as characters on Twitter.

What all this means is that you have to be concise. You should know exactly what you hear, and say a few words as possible.

Many writers, however, are "many words" and the descriptions and lengthy sentences, so it can be very difficult to create a message that is only 140 characters.

This is where Twitter comes again.
Twitter forces you to exercise your vocabulary

Since you only have 140 characters to convey their message, they are forced to dust off the dictionary and thesaurus and find new words to use words that are shorter, more descriptive words and words that work in 140 characters or less .

Development of a message to Twitter forces you to "fill" verbs (instead of adverbs and adjectives with them), and find a. Better, clearer and more concise to say what you mean

Now most people fail to 140 characters at a time. No, he will end up with 160 or 148 characters to start (Twitter, tells you how many characters have to delete the message shown at right).

This is the latest way that Twitter makes you a better writer.
Twitter forces you to improve your editing skills

Every writer should be able to edit their work. And using Twitter, you can really hone your editing skills and have first-rate.

It's almost like a game, trying to write a message of 140 characters and still get your views in a way that inspires his followers to take action, click on the link or "retweet" your message.

I like to think that this is a puzzle, makes me think and delve into my vocabulary to find a way to shorten my message.

I've been using Twitter since January, and my writing skills have not only improved, but I have written a better copy.

Yet another reason why you should be using Twitter. Not that I needed

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